Prepare yourself for an AMAZING birthday month, LEO!

With great vibes and exciting developments coming your way, take advantage of new opportunities by saying YES! Yes to possible career shifts, Yes to glamorous parties, and yes to helping others.

Positivity is contagious and you got the bug! This month, while celebrating your birth, you are in the mood for healthy living. That new health routine you’ve been reading about? Now is the time to try it! Saturday’s are the perfect day to try that trendy new juice spot and gather up your best friends and go on a hike! Make your own fun and everyone will follow.

When the waters get a little shaky, remember to laugh it off. Finding humor in tough situations will be your guiding light this month. Those around you will notice and encourage you to continue this upbeat streak.

Your leadership qualities are in full force, so stand up straight and ROAR!

Got a special LEO in your life? Our LEO Necklace, available in silver and Rose Gold, is the best way to remind the Leo in your life to live vivaciously!


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